mardi 25 septembre 2018

● Help us support the CIK in Kuma Tokpli

The new Centre Informatique de Kuma infrastructure in K. Tokpli requires daily care. Unfortunately, we are currently not able to offer a real salary for someone to work a full schedule at the CIK.

We would like to offer a reasonable "stipend" to one or two individuals for the time and efforts they invest in the CIK, working for the youth and their teachers.

Your 10€/month support can make a considerable difference for the person who works at the CIK everyday and, through him, for the entire local community.

In Belgium, your donation of 40€ or more (per year) is tax-deductable.

-ᐅ Download our (French language) flyer Centre Informatique de Kuma (pdf)

● Next INITIC project: another computer lab in Dzogbegan

INITIC launched this month a new campaign to raise funds for the installation, in December 2018, of a new computer lab -- the 4th! This time, it will set up in the village of Dzogbegan, on the Danyi plateau -- a few hundred meters away from the two famous monasteries.

The new computer lab will benefit the youth and teachers of the local Middle School (CEG), and will also be accessible to all other Middle and High Schools located in the vicinity.

The budget for the new infrastructure is estimated at 5500€, excluding the building work (masonry, carpentry, welding...) which must be taken care of by the local community.

A specific request from the local traditional Authorities, under the leadership of Chief Detti, initiated the project. The INITIC team visited Dzogbegan in July. Then an important delegation from Dzogbegan travelled to Kuma Tokpli and, in August, 5 Middle School teachers came back to Tokpli for a 4 day training on the Raspberry Pi.

Four Raspberry Pi workstations have been sent to Dzogbegan, making it possible for teachers to continue their discovery of the computer. Our objective is to set up a full computer lab, with 21 Raspberry Pi workstations, in the village, next December.

Once again, we are assisted in this effort by the Belgian charity Enfance Tiers Monde, who published a special September Bulletin dedicated to the new INITIC project. We are very grateful to them for their continuous support over these past few years.

Our big THANK YOU also goes to all of you who are willing to support this new project!

As always, the money collected during this fundraising campaign will go entirely and exclusively to the project itself ; all travel and accommodation fees are always covered entirely by the members of the INITIC team themselves.  

Chief Detti guides us through a visit of the local school building
 that should hosts the next INITIC computer lab in Dzogbegan.

● The new Centre Informatique de Kuma (CIK)

The Centre Informatique de Kuma (CIK), transferred to its new building in December 2018, is now fully operational on its new site, and has one Raspberry Pi computer lab and one multipurpose room available to the youth of Kuma and their Middle School/High School (CEG and Lycée) teachers.

The multipurpose room should also be accessible to the youth of Kuma after school hours. It would provide them with a open, bright, airy, safe and comfortable place where
 to complete homeworks and to study under the control of an adult. Contacts with the local traditional Authority and with the Parent Associations took place in July to put together a team of volunteer adults who agree to supervise the new facility.

Last December, the Association Femmes d'Europe made it possible for us to complete the installation of the Raspberry Pi computer lab through a financial support that covered a significant part of the total budget.

In July, the Conseil Consultatif des Relations Nord-Sud (CCNS) de la Ville de Nivelles gave us financial support to complete the multipurpose room.

This video takes you through a short visit of the CIK in Kuma Tokpli (best viewed in High Definition 720p or 1080p) :

-ᐅ Video : the new CIK in Kuma Tokpli

The new Raspberry Pi computer lab at the CIK
in Kuma Tokpli (August 2018)

The multipurpose room at the CIK in Kuma Tokpli
(August 2018)